What is the Word?

VitaminsAnswer: A waxy substance found in your blood. Your body needs it to build healthy cells, but too much of it can increase your risk of heart disease.

What is Cholesterol!

Ahh yes… the dreaded word.  The one you never want to hear your doctor mention.  High cholesterol is usually the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, but it can also be inherited.  Since there are no symptoms, the only way to detect it is through a blood test.  According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), cholesterol screenings should occur every two years for men ages 45-65 and for women ages 55-65.  Those over 65 should receive a screening annually.  A low salt diet, exercise, losing those extra pounds and managing stress can all contribute to healthy cholesterol levels.  But sometimes it’s not enough and a little help is needed.

How can I Reverse Cholesterol?

Plant sterols are highly effective as they have been proven to prevent the absorption of cholesterol by the body. These sterols are found in the highest amount in vegetable oils, nuts and seeds.  But most people do not get enough sterols from their diet alone.  At Bette’s Health and Wellness, you can ask about which supplements are right for you and your unique situation.  They have a variety of supplement options to help fill the gap that is typically created between your nutritional needs and your existing diet.

I know for me, products that are all natural and can coexist with other healthy choices I make for myself, simplify my ability to do what I feel is best for my heart health.  Heart health is not something I have usually worried about.  But as I get older and begin to see friends and family have issues with their health, it all begins to become more relatable.  It spurs me to start looking into my own habits and what I can do to mitigate any potential future problems.

So I hope that this month of love and Valentines has not only inspired you to share your heart with others but to also show yourself some love.