Not my Boo Boo

Pet AllergiesAlong with Spring allergies to pollens and grasses, the season of bloom tends to bring about the reemergence of pet allergies.  Pets offer us love, joy, friendship and companionship, but unfortunately for many people they also bring about sneezing, scratchy throats and itchy watery eyes.  

Pet allergies are a relatively common type of allergy.  It’s no coincidence that the most common type of pet allergy is to dogs and cats, the most common type of pet.  The symptoms can develop in a few minutes or over a few hours after exposure.  Typically, nasal sprays and antihistamines can help alleviate or relieve symptoms.  Sometimes allergy shots need to be considered.  Often times these treatments can come with undesirable side effects such as drowsiness and headaches.  Your allergist can help determine what treatment would be best for you.

 Alternatively, there are more natural, homeopathic remedies. A natural antihistamine booster is Vitamin C.  Besides eating fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C, an appropriate supplement can be added.  Investing in an air purifier can also help temporarily relieve symptoms of pet allergies.  These filters can get rid of allergies such as pet dander, pollen and dust that is carried inside your home by your pet and into the air you breathe.  Along with an air purifier, essential oils can be added to your air diffuser with oils such as lavender, peppermint and lemon, which can produce natural histamines.  Using certain plant supplements can also help alleviate symptoms such as drinking nettle tea which can help with its natural anti-inflammatory properties that counter the inflammatory nature of histamines.  

If you’ve never used a Neti pot, now may be the time to try one.  Neti pots are used to gently flush toxins and allergens out of the nasal passage using a gentle saline solution. 

Probiotics and supplements that can balance your gut bacteria can help regulate immune responses.  As with all treatments, be sure to consults your doctor or professional before starting any allergy regiment.  

Pet allergies can be an annoying consequence of owning pets.  However, by researching and doing your homework, you may still be able to enjoy the love and friendship a pet has to offer.  So before getting rid of Fido or Figaro, know that there are alternatives that may be able to help you and your pet live more comfortably with each other.